Call for the US government to formally recognize the State of PalestineRead or Edit the Petition Ms. Mr. Miss. Mrs. Mx. Dr. Greetings The US government should formally recognize the State of Palestine based on 1967 lines with Jerusalem as a shared capital. To enable this, the US government should act robustly to prevent annexation of territory by the State of Israel as well as facilitating peace, justice and dignity for all. Considering the US's recent role in the situation in Israel-Palestine today, needs to take responsibility and take an active role in restoring peace in the region for the benefit of Israelis and Palestinians alike. Dialogue between parties should be rooted in the recognition of the human rights, equality and dignity of all Palestinians and Israelis, as well as maintaining a firm foundation in international law.You can add formatting using markdown syntax - read more Add me to your mailing list BCC yourself Yes, I accept your privacy policy Sign Now 0 signatures
+ Condemn the Palestinian Authority for targeting the Family of Nizar Banat Admin, July 5, 2022April 16, 2024, Petitions