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Condemn the Palestinian Authority for targeting the Family of Nizar Banat
Condemn the Palestinian Authority for targeting the Family of Nizar Banat0 Ms. Mr. Miss. Mrs. Mx. Dr. The Palestinian American Community Condemns the Palestinian Authority for targeting the Family of Nizar Banat The Palestinian American community condemns the Palestinian authority’s brutal pressure tactics against the family of Palestinian anti-corruption activist, human rights defender, prominent critic of the Palestinian authority, and [...]
Call for the US government to formally recognize the State of Palestine
Call for the US government to formally recognize the State of PalestineRead or Edit the Petition Ms. Mr. Miss. Mrs. Mx. Dr. Greetings The US government should formally recognize the State of Palestine based on 1967 lines with Jerusalem as a shared capital. To enable this, the US government should act robustly to prevent annexation of territory by the State [...]
Palestinian petitions: activism in exile
Palestinian petitions: activism in exileRead or Edit the Petition Ms. Mr. Miss. Mrs. Mx. Dr. Greetings In April 2020, a group of Palestinian NGOs from Shufat refugee camp joined in a petition to the Israeli Supreme Court. The petition demanded that the Israeli Ministry of Health open COVID-19 testing centres for Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, including those living in [...]
GOOGLE: Put Palestine On Your Maps!
GOOGLE: Put Palestine On Your Maps!Read or Edit the Petition Ms. Mr. Miss. Mrs. Mx. Dr. Greetings Palestine does not appear on Google maps. Why not? Israel, established on Palestinian land, is clearly designated. But there is no mention of Palestine. According to Google, Palestine does not exist. The omission of Palestine is a grievous insult to the people of [...]